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Hazleton Chamber of Commerce

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Residents and business owners from the City of Hazleton, Hazle Township, and West Hazleton Borough are invited to participate in a Public Meeting on September 6, 2023 to share their vision for the future of the region. The Public Meeting will be held at the Laurel Mall, the Dunham’s Sports Wing, from 11 AM – 1 PM and 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM. It will be an open house format so participants can come and go during our hours of operation.

The City of Hazleton, Hazle Township, and West Hazleton Borough are working together to create a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is a tool that communities use to plan for their future. It starts by describing a community’s vision for their character and quality of life. The plan is a policy guide for land use, development, and land conservation that aligns with the community’s ten-year goals. The plan identifies goals and strategies to implement the vision.

The Greater Hazleton Area Comprehensive Plan will focus on topics such as transportation, housing, job opportunities, safety, community buildings and services, and parks and open space. The community’s input into this plan is very important. Members of the community can find more information about the project, ask questions, and provide suggestions at

This project was financed by a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and each of the three municipalities.




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